Blueprint Alaska takes home big wins at statewide PR awards event

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October 25, 2022

We’re busting our buttons with pride over here! Blueprint Alaska was honored with SIX awards at the PRSA Alaska chapter’s Aurora Awards, an annual competition recognizing the best strategies and tactics in Alaska PR. 

Most notably, our team was awarded the Grand Aurora, the biggest award of the night, for the work we did with the Alaska Chamber on their Give AK a Shot vaccination incentive program in 2021. That win sets up the team for a national-level award entry. 

It’s always an honor to receive awards, but we must give credit where it’s due — most notably our clients, who allows us to partner with them on some truly amazing work. 

Here is the full list of our 2022 awards: 

  • Events and observances 7 days or more: Grand Aurora winner
    1st: Alaska Chamber, Give AK a Shot (in partnership with Brilliant Media Strategies.) 
  • Creative tactic
    2nd: Blueprint Alaska 2022 calendar
  • External publication
    3rd: Blueprint Alaska’s newsletter, The Strategist (Sign up to receive this award-winner!)
  • Social media
    Honorable mention: The Alaska Oil and Gas Association’s Think Again Thursday campaign 
  • Media relations
    Honorable mention: Alaska 529’s Dash to Save promotion 
  • Writing portfolio
    2nd: Sarah Erkmann Ward, APR

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