Emojis are not exempt from the generational divide

In the public relations world, clients count on us to help them communicate with diverse audiences. That got us thinking: how are emojis, those whimsical, clever little pictures that accompany our text conversations, used by different age groups? For example, the peach emoji means very different things to different people (Google it — we’re not going there.) In this month’s blog, we asked Alaskans across the age spectrum — Gen Z through Baby Boomers — what some of the more popular emojis mean to them, and how they use them. It’s a fascinating glimpse into how common language can be wildly misinterpreted depending on your background.

Hazel, Gen Z - Genuinely supportive
Carrie, “Zillennial” - Equivalent of "k"
Melody, Millennial - Okay, got it.
Susie, Gen X - Somewhat curt way of acknowledging a message. Can be rude if overused.
John, Baby Boomer - Provides approval or acknowledgment of receipt.

Hazel, Gen Z - Please just don’t use this one
Carrie, “Zillennial” - Sweet! Hooray!
Melody, Millennial - Thank you!
Susie, Gen X - Yasssss! Praise it! Let’s goooooo.
John, Baby Boomer - Hearty approval

Hazel, Gen Z - Interested in something
Carrie, “Zillennial” - Do you see what I see? Being nosy.
Melody, Millennial - Watching/following
Susie, Gen X - I see you/I see what you did there.
John, Baby Boomer - Never used

Hazel, Gen Z - Sarcastic happiness
Carrie, “Zillennial” - My life is a disaster/this situation is annoying
Melody, Millennial - Awkward smile
Susie, Gen X - “This is fine. Everything is fine.”
John, Baby Boomer – Never used

Hazel, Gen Z - Only for boomers
Carrie, “Zillennial” - That's silly (not funny, like the OG crying/laughing emoji)
Melody, Millennial - Laughing out loud
Susie, Gen X - Something is either marginally or legitimately funny but you don’t want to say more about it but also want to be responsive.
John, Baby Boomer - Laugh-out-loud funny

Hazel, Gen Z - Surprised / no comment
Carrie, “Zillennial” - I'm shook
Melody, Millennial - Oops
Susie, Gen X - “Ummm,” or, this is/could be inappropriate. Well, this is embarrassing.
John, Baby Boomer - Amazement / alarm / disbelief

Hazel, Gen Z - Sarcastic asking for something / sarcastic feeling bad
Carrie, “Zillennial” – Sympathetic
Melody, Millennial - I’m sorry
Susie, Gen X - My kids are lamely trying to get away with something. I hate this emoji.
John, Baby Boomer - Looks like the pain logo used in hospitals to assess degree of pain, especially number 8. [Photo below for reference]

Hazel, Gen Z - Joking
Carrie, “Zillennial” - Absolutely. Slay queen.
Melody, Millennial - 100%, absolutely
Susie, Gen X - Totally. Yes. ALL IN.
John, Baby Boomer - Never used. Does this indicate 100% approval?

Hazel, Gen Z - Something’s funny
Carrie, “Zillennial” - Something's funny, I'm dying of laughter. Or embarrassed.
Melody, Millennial - This is a Halloween emoji
Susie, Gen X - It’s Halloween/checking out the latest true crime podcast.
John, Baby Boomer - Morbid idea / image / concept / “dead in the water”.

Hazel, Gen Z - Please don’t use it
Carrie, “Zillennial” - Legit.
Melody, Millennial - That’s cool!
Susie, Gen X - Damn, you look good/you are on fire!/on a roll!
John, Baby Boomer - “On fire” ~ evokes the image of Alicia Keys /very popular